Yunnan Tuocha Tea was proved to be an efficacious beverage with the functions of eliminating fat,
reducing weight, strengthening body and lengthening longevity by specialists at a conference about
Yunnan Tuocha tea held in Pairs. An experiment had been undertaken Professor Bernagageto of indoor
Hospital in Keretayi of Henrylendo Medical College in Pairs through which by twenty patients
suffering from hyperlipemia were given three cups of Yunnan Tuocha tea a day. After one month,
all these patients lost a quarter of the blood-lipid respectively, while those drinking other
kind of teas of the same quantity showed no change in their blood-lipid content.
Moreover, another experiment was carried out by Professor Luton of Orson' Laboratory of Nutrition
Physiology Institute in which two group of white rats were fed by ordinary food and food of high
cholesterol respectively. Meanwhile, Yunnan Tuocha Tea was added to both types of food. A blood
test was then taken nine weeks after, the result indicated that the former group had a 10% reduction
in blood-lipid, while the later group 30%. The professor-in-charge concluded that Yunnan Tuocha Tea
contains one or several kinds of unknown substances which when dissolve in water, the resultant
solution is efficacious in stimulating metabolism, and balancing and regulating the level of cholesterol.
During a clinical research conducted by the Kunming Medical College. 86 cases of hyperlipemia were
examined and compared of which 55 were treated by Yunnan Tuocha Tea and 31 by clofibrate, an efficient
fat-reducing medicine. The result after comparison proved that Yunnan Tuocha Tea is more efficacious than
clofibrate in reducing the lipid level. Besides, it causes no side effects. It is also highly reputed as '
slimming tea', 'beauty tea' and 'healthy tea' in more than twenty countries and regions including France,
Spain, Japan, Hong Kong and so on.